Sunday, July 10, 2011

Feeding a Growing Population vs Conserving Biodiversity

When someone asks you what is the first thing that comes to mind when agriculture is said, you would probably think farming. New methods have been discovered and as time progressed agriculture had become more sustainable. Humans are exploring the many realms of what is today's agricultural system, and among the most debated issues is the choice between sustainable agriculture and industrial agriculture.

First off, what is the difference between sustainable agriculture and industrial agriculture? Sustainable agriculture is the practise of farming using principles of ecology. This method creates few but better quality products and enhances the quality of life for a farmer and society as a whole. Sustainable agriculture depends on replenishing the soil while minimizing the use of non-renewable resources as well, such as natural gas. (Without replenishment, land suffers from nutrient depletion and becomes either unusable or suffers from reduced yields.)

Industrial agriculture is a form of modern farming that refers to the industrialized production of livestock, poultry, fish, and crops. This type of farming is completely the opposite from sustainable agriculture. There can only be one word that can easily define Industrial agriculture and that is PROFIT. There are many points as to why one may oppose this type of agriculture. One reason is that there is a heavy use of pesticides and other chemicals which can cause cancer. Another reason is the unhealthy livestock. Often livestock are held under filthy conditions without access to sunlight, fresh air, or open pasture, thus making them susceptible to communicable diseases and this involves both the health of the product and the consumers.

What do you think is the best? I think the most obvious answer to this is Sustainable agriculture as it is the most healthiest and sufficient way. This method has a huge positive impact and is less harmful to the animals as well. After doing some research about farming and animals, my view has really changed on what I eat.



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